25 Easy Ways to Save Money Today

People ask me all the time, “Jared, how much money should I be saving?

While that number is different for everyone, in the perfect world I would recommend a minimum of 25% of your income to cover all of your goals.

“Many financial planners recommend that you save 10% to 15% of your income for retirement, starting in your 20s.” CNN Money

I bump it up because most people DO NOT start in their 20s and that’s just for retirement!  Double Whammy!    Tack on wanting to buy a house, emergencies, college; you see it’s easy to get that number over 25%

Now, I understand it is not easy to save money. So, to do my part, I post and tweet a daily money saving tip!  #MSTD  (follow me on facebook and twitter to see all my posts)

In this post I have compiled 25 of my most favorite tips. 


They span the “obvious to the creative.”

As you read, you will see that a lot of them are more mental than financial.

It’s about getting your mind right!

Don’t Worry

I don’t expect you to do every single one that would be crazy and impossible.

I don’t even follow every one. (work/life balance!)
But I do know that at the end of the year, I do save around 20-25% of my income for my future.

My point is, I don’t care how you save more money.  You just owe it to yourself to save more!

The purpose of this list is to get you thinking before you spend your hard earned cash!

If these 25 are not enough, follow me on facebook and twitter to see a new tip everyday!

Hopefully, by the end of next month your savings account will start heading in the right direction.

Top 25 Ways to Save Money Today

  1. bring your lunch to school or work – you have heard this 1,000 times, just do it
  2. make coffee at home – ‘‘latte” factor
  3. use your library for books and movies – its cool, I swear
  4. buy used items – thrift shops are all the rage!
  5. save $5 dollar bills (don’t spend them) *** fan favorite
  6. track your spending habits and find money you are wasting – you have a spending black hole – find it
  7. consider buying in bulk – items that don’t spoil
  8. go outside more often – parks are fun AND FREE. Go hug a tree
  9. buy store brand groceries – mostly the same ingredients
  10. carpool to work – gossip in the car not at the water cooler
  11. check if stores match prices before you buy – use that smartphone to find prices in other stores
  12. build a financial plan to understand your goals and objectives – maximize every dollar
  13. limit yourself to 1 credit card – easier to track and consolidate rewards
  14. sign up for company retirement plan – get free money from your employer (if they match)
  15. put your savings on auto-pilot – make it disappear before you get a hold of it.
  16. hold onto your technology for more than 1 year! You don’t need the newest edition on EVERYTHING
  17. stop paying bank fees – there is no interest rate currently high enough to overcome those fees!
  18. bring a shopping list to the grocery store – no impulse buying
  19. volunteer – do I have to explain why this is good?
  20. consolidate high interest loans – 1 payment is easier
  21. filter your own water – stop buying bottles
  22. avoid atm fees – duh!
  23. check your credit score and correct any mistakes – 1x per year AT MINIMUM
  24. learn to cook – learn the basics -fish, chicken, meat, pasta and a salad.
  25. find your balance – can’t spend every dollar today, can’t save every dollar for tomorrow

There you have it. 25 easy ways to  save money today!

The reality is most of us waste money everyday due to laziness and bad habits. Let’s change that.

Disclaimer: You are allowed to waste money if you don’t believe you will have a future.  But the truth is, you are going to wake up one day, many years from now and wish you had more money in the bank. I don’t want that to be you. Change your ways today.

If you can find joy in finding new ways to save, you are sure to reach financial success.  I am rooting for you and here to help!

As always, you can consult with me to discuss   how to save more money
Look for future posts on the best way to put you saved money to work! And check out my recent post on spending money down easy street

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you achieve financial success!

Jared S. Friedman CFP®



originally posted 10/2016

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