Chart Action: Job Openings

If you need to make more money, to eventually save more money for your future, now might be the best time EVER to make a move. If you have cut out all the waste in your life and still can’t find extra cash to sock away then you need to make more money.

Your options are to either get a 2nd job or new 1st job.

This chart shows us that you, the employee, finally have the upper hand.  There are more job openings than unemployed persons.   Now is the time to renegotiate with your employer or seek out new employment at a higher wage.

Don’t be complacent.

Your job is the tool to earn money and it’s possible the only way to make a major salary jump is to switch companies.

Your coworkers might be great but your family is more important.

Look for a new job, get paid and save the surplus.

Polish off the resume, update the cover letter and start looking today.

-Jared S. Friedman CFP®



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