Eat the Chocolate

You deserve that 2nd piece of candy tonight.

Eat it.


Do it.

I will and I am a guy that goes to the gym every day, eats healthy and plays mens league hockey.   So eating that candy might be a surprise.

Regarding money, it gets so bad that some of my friends are even shocked when they hear that I went out for dinner or bought my wife and kids gifts.

I think it’s because a lot of people believe financial planning is ONLY about the future.

Like, putting all the chocolate in the cabinet until some unknown future point.  Who does that???

I’m here to tell you that is the farthest thing from the truth.

Financial planning is actually about finding the balance between today and tomorrow.

Finding that balance can be very difficult but not impossible.  Let me show you how.

Finding Balance

  1. Eat the candy
  2. Plan for your future
  3. Live your life

Eating the candy is a metaphor for doing something small for yourself.  We all want some gratification today, so I’m telling you to get some!   You deserve to feel success for all the hard work you put in at work and at home.  So do it!

Planning for your future must come next.  You need to lay out your financial goals. Then learn what it will cost to accomplish those things and finally put a plan in place to get there.

Surprise! Living your life is the final step to finding balance.  The life you choose needs to be in line with the money you have left over after steps #1 and #2.  The trouble people have is they want to live their life to the fullest today, which then tips the scales so far out of whack that they can never get back in balance.  When people get used to a certain lifestyle, then they learn what they have to save for their future, there are very few things they are willing to give up to find the extra money to save. Ultimately leaving them out of balance forever.

By planning for your future first you will know what your future costs and how much money you have left.  If that’s not enough money, you an always change your goals.   So, you CAN control the scales.  You can decide what’s in balance for you.  You make the choice which increases your chance for success!

So is finding the balance really hard?

I would say no.

If you do it my way you will experience joy today, have a plan for the future, and live your life free and clear of any financial guilt.

So go ahead, have another chocolate bar and get to work!

Happy Halloween!


P.S.  If you need more help, do not hesitate to reach out!

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