Field Trip

On Friday we took a field trip to Mt. Tammany. It’s a mountain in NJ that hangs above the Delaware Water Gap. It was a great day.   I preach a lot about saving money and finding things to do that will enrich your life instead of crowd your closet.  This checks both boxes.

Nature is free.  Nature is everywhere.

One thing about leaving the office on a Friday to do something outside is very uplifting.  Getting outside and connecting with Mother Nature will allow you to clear your mind.

What was the last thing you did to clear your mind?

Having a clear mind allows me to see the bigger picture.  Just like the view from the top of the mountain vs the bottom.   There are 2 different perspectives.  From the bottom, everything looks big and scary.  Just like our financial goals.  When you are gazing up and unsure if/how you will reach the summit you question everything.

Should I being doing this?  What If I can’t make it?  What if I get hurt?

When feeling this way the best advice to give is to just take the first step forward.  Just one step.  Because one step will always lead to another. And another…  Next thing you know you have been climbing for over an hour and just about to make it.

Once you actually reach the top you should realize a few things.

  1. It wasn’t so hard after all.
  2. You are more capable than you realize
  3. There are many more mountains left to climb.

Saving money for your future is no different.

Like that first step, just start putting some money away.  A small amount.

Next thing you know you will have a small amount of money saved and your lifestyle will have adjusted.  So, you can increase the amount, then increase it again.    After you take all of those small steps, you will see that you will have been saving for years and just about to make it…

Here are a few pics from the day. I hope you enjoy them.



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