No Rule



The truth is we can still live very comfortably without being slaves to luxury.  How many extra hours a day, month or year do you work to make that extra buck?

Not the buck to cover the food on the table but the money to cover the Mercedes or the Mansion?

Is it really worth it?

At the end of the day whether your house is 1,500 sq feet or 10,000 square feet you can only be in 1 room at a time and sleep in 1 bed at night.

Is the $60,000 car that much better than the $25,000 car?  Is it 2.4x better?  Does it get you to your destination 2.4x faster or is it 2.4x safer?

Is it really worth it?

The # 1 thing retires say they wish they had more of before they die is; time with friends and families.  It is never more STUFF.

With that being said it is your job to find the work/life balance that is right for you.  You have to figure out how much you need to earn to cover all your bills today and save for tomorrow.  How high your bills are today will greatly determine how much income you need and how much you have to work…

The higher the bills are today, the higher your lifestyle will be.  And if you are like most people, you will want to carry that lifestyle into your golden years. So you will need a larger nest egg to replace your income.  That will necessitate more work to get more money to live today and tomorrow. It’s a vicious cycle.

But what if you reduce your need today.  You adjust your life today.  That will reduce what you need tomorrow too.

Can you do it?

There is no rule that says financial success must mean that you live beyond your means. You can control what makes you happy and how to define success.

If you need help making this change in your life, I am here to assist.  Let’s get to it today!




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