Ponder This

Ask me anything and if I don’t know the answer I will google it. Right there on the spot.

Will I remember the answer 1 week later?  Possibly yes, possibly no.

But the next time I get asked the same question, I will just google it again.

Rinse and repeat.

Because of this I don’t know if our society is becoming smarter or dumber.   We don’t have to retain as much info (like phone numbers or directions or who the 10th president of the USA was—Tyler, I googled it) but we have access to an unlimited amount of information, right at our fingertips.  Some people use this power to look at cat videos all day, others to change the world.

To each their own.

But there are some things that are not googleable.  They involve the future.. We can all make guesses but nothing becomes a fact till after has occurred.

Right now there are 4 things I cannot Google that I ponder.

  • Will cryptocurrency’s (Bitcoin) eventually replace the US Dollar
    1. Ask people who hoarded all the gold and silver they could in the 1800’s -what their original opinion was of paper money.
  • Will flying cars become mainstream in my lifetime?
    1. No, this is not a joke. Check this video out-  Cars that actually fly  (not endorsed by IFS)
  • Who will win the smart home battle? Amazon, Google, Apple or some other company.
    1. There is a war going on, did you know? Companies are fighting to take control of your lights, thermostat, stereo, door bell and everything else.  The big boys, Amazon, Google and Apple are pouring billions of dollars in to this Smart Technology.  I dipped my toe in with an Echo Dot–$40 was a small price to pay to check it out.
  • Will coffee and red meat eventually kill me?
    1. Now this is something you can actually Google. But I will warn you, thousands of articles will pop up, all contradicting themselves. So who knows…

So, why do I bring this up?

Recently, I read this article,  What retirees would do differently and learned that

“52% of 55-64 year olds surveyed wished they started saving for retirement sooner and 47% regretted not saving more.”  (Not endorsed by IFS)

It’s possible that at some point in their lives they pondered things too…one of them might have been how much money do they need to save for retirement and now looking back almost half of the responders regretted not saving more.

Rather than leave it up to chance, you need to take control of your retirement planning.   You shouldn’t plan on retiring with a flying car but you need to plan on having enough money to replace your income when you want to stop working.  Stop pondering and start taking action!


As always, you can consult with me to discuss your personal situation.

Look for future posts on the best ways to invest your money and check out my recent post on 10 things to do with $10,000 today!

Lastly click here to sign up for all great stuff The Art of Financial Planning has to offer!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you achieve financial success!

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