Suffering In Silence?

Ever wonder why some people are perfectly calm during market swings…

While you’re left wondering what’s going on? And what you should do next?

If you’re 100% happy with the advice you’re getting and totally relaxed about your portfolio – feel free to delete this email and move on.

But if you’ve ever imagined what it would be like to feel fully prepared for the future, I have a simple offer:

Would you like another opinion on your portfolio?

No obligation and no judgment.

I’m offering a quick check-in to see if there are any red flags in your strategies you should be worried about.

If so, just send me a note at and I’ll find a time for a quick phone meeting with you.

It’s that simple.

Markets are extremely challenging right now and a recession could already be here.

We don’t know when and how it will strike but economists don’t think it’ll look like the recessions we’ve had before.

I’m not saying that to scare you.

I’m saying it because the decisions you make now could make the difference… 

…between retiring on time (or taking that amazing sabbatical)…

..and being stuck grinding it out for even longer than you planned.

Today’s recession uncertainty is real. 

I want you to have the information and the support you need to make excellent decisions for yourself and your family.

It’s worth a quick meeting if you’re not 100% confident in what you’re already doing and what you should do next.

Even if you’ve already got an advisor.

Even if you’re mostly okay with your current portfolio.


Because it’s smart to get a second opinion. Especially today.

I’m not knocking your current advisor. I might even know them.

But if you have questions you’re not sure how to ask or concerns that are bubbling in the back of your mind, I’d like you to take me up on my offer.

A quick conversation to dive into your situation and look for any red flags.

No obligation.

No judgment.

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