Summer Experiences

Photo by Kevin Delvecchio on Unsplash

One of the best outcomes of working hard, saving and investing well is that we can afford to spend money. Since we are almost mid-way through the summer, I want to suggest to you that the best way to budget and spend your money is on experiences, not things. Investing in memories and family relationships can bring you happiness that money alone cannot.

However, to truly be able to immerse yourself in summer experiences, you need to learn how to unplug from the hustle and bustle of your day-to-day. Many of us have difficulty disconnecting from the responsibilities of our jobs, but with the right mindset and some planning, it can be done, and doing so can have a positive impact on your performance when you return.

Let’s talk about how your financial plan can not only help you reach your long-term goals, but how it can help you invest in memories and experiences that can last a lifetime.

Even though markets themselves have seemed to be on a summer break, trade, interest rate, and tariff changes mean that it may be time to ensure that your portfolio is well-positioned to handle these economic changes.

Let’s start the conversation.

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