Take the First Step


US Olympian who was paralyzed in a backflip accident defies doctor’s predictions he would never walk again by standing at the alter and marrying his Jamaican sprinter sweetheart

Journalist and paralympian swimmer strode onto stage at the espnW summit in Los Angeles. For her, the very act of walking was a major accomplishment: For ten years, she had been paralyzed from the waist down, and she’d been in a coma for three.

Paralyzed football player defies odds, walks down the aisle at his wedding

Paralyzed C.S.I. Rodeo athlete not only walks, but dances.

These are all amazing stories.

All of these people were give a less than 5% chance of ever walking again.  All of these people defied the odds.   They fought their injury, they overcame tremendous pain and suffering and they never gave up.

When learning more about each story it turns out that each recovery has one major similarity.

No, it’s not a special surgery or pill.

It’s actually the most basic thing and the most important thing.

All of these people attribute their recovery to focusing on… taking the FIRST STEP.

They didn’t obsess about getting back to their previous athletic ability.  They didn’t think about 1 year or 5 years or 10 years down the line.

They only focused on the first step.

The shortest of distances. The most fundamental thing we as humans do and for the most part take advantage of.  It’s the thing we do around 10 months of age and never look back.

They only focused on the first step. 

For them, the first step, lead to the second, then the third….

Something to think about -What is the first step you need to take?

I speak to people who list every excuse in the book about why they can’t save money and why they can’t invest for their for future. To me, they are paralyzed.

I show them charts and graphs.  I discuss the markets and how compound interest works.  I calculate to the penny what they need to save for college, the vacation home and anything else they want.   They are armed with all the information they need to take action.  But they don’t move.

It’s time to change the focus.  These people have to take a step forward.  It’s time to take the first step.

  • Maybe the first step is opening an online bank account that is paying higher interest.
  • It could be enrolling in the company 401k plan.
  • It might be putting $50/month away into a savings account.
  • How about cutting up the credit cards

It doesn’t matter.

It’s time they put all their focus on the one thing they think is holding them back.  Like 100% of their attention.  Once they take the first step, they can take the next and so on and so forth.

Financial freedom can be accomplished by taking all of the steps necessary.  But nothing starts without that first step.

Earlier in this post I listed stories about people who couldn’t walk. They had a 5% chance of recovery and they did it.

Is your life tougher than theirs?

If you need helping figuring this out, don’t hesitate to reach out.  It’s about time you start making moves.


-Jared S. Friedman CFP®

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