The Pat on the Back

I am here to give you a big pat on the back.

  • Building up an emergency reserve
  • Maxing out our company retirement plan
  • Protecting the family with life insurance
  • Putting  money in the 529 plans
  • Getting Wills drawn up.

These are all things we need to do but we rarely get credit for doing them.  These are the hardest things to do, but we rarely get credit for doing them.

But if you pull up with a new car, if you buy the bigger house or if you share pictures from your recent vacation your friends and family will congratulate and high five you all night.

In reality spending money is the easier thing to do.  It’s what expected of you and it’s the most applauded.

Something has to give….

Choosing to save for the future and delaying some use of your dollars today is gut-wrenchingly difficult.  So, I am here to say GREAT JOB.

I see you!

Here’s a high five!

You deserve it way more than the person who CHOSE to spend money on the  shiny new toy.   Because that’s what it is… a choice.  I know that if you chose not to save for your future than you too can have more toys and it’s so hard to chose tomorrow over today.  But you are better than most people.  I know you are!

Some people make the easy choice, others make the hard one.

So once again, KUDOS TO YOU.  Your future self is lucky to have you!


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