The Power of Giving

We’re giving more to charity than ever before.1 One reason is that giving feels good. It gives us a warm glow that can inspire us to keep giving.2

That’s probably why charitable contributions have increased by 5% over the past few years1and experts expect this trend to continue.3

That’s promising, but it could be even better.

That’s because about 2 out of 3 people say they want to give more, but they aren’t. Why?

Because they don’t have a giving strategy—and they don’t know what the impact of their giving will be.4

In his infographic, we explore the concept of strategic giving and its essential role in maximizing the impact of philanthropy. Click here to see it!

With the right charitable giving strategies, you can feel more fulfilled and make a greater impact on the world.5

Go ahead and click here to discover more about strategic philanthropy.

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