The Retirement Finish Line

If you’re within 5 years of retirement, there are a handful of easy “thought exercises” you must do that can make or break your retirement plans.

You’ll see how powerful these are in a second.

The problem is, many people put them off, thinking, “I’ll get to that later … it doesn’t matter right now.”

Years later, they finally make the time to address them because they have no choice. By then, it’s often too late.

Don’t fall into that trap.

See, I’ve found there are 3 essential pillars to a successful retirement plan.

The sooner you address these 3 pillars, the better prepared you’ll be for a successful retirement.

I’m sure you’re wondering what these 3 pillars are, and if your retirement plan includes them.

To help you answer that question, I put together this quick checklist and guide that I highly recommend you read.

You can download your copy for free by clicking below.

The 3 Pillars of Successful Retirement Plans: A Simple Checklist to Kick-Start Your New Work-Free Life

Here’s a taste of what’s inside:

  • Learn the 24 critical questions you need to ask yourself
  • Uncover commonly overlooked “blind spots” from your current retirement plan
  • Discover the steps you need to take during the years leading up to your work-free life!

I hope that this quick read sparks an “aha!” moment to help you craft a truly enjoyable retirement lifestyle.

Remember, the sooner you prepare, the better positioned you’ll be for retirement.

Download your free copy now and go through it by yourself or with your loved ones.


The decisions you make now will define your retirement lifestyle and your ability to retire successfully.

Yes. This is the harsh (but true) reality when you’re within that fragile period before or after retirement.

You could…

Do nothing. Put it off “just one more week,” or wait until you really need to do it (unfortunately it could be too late).

Sound familiar? We put things off that don’t feel important now … always waiting to the end of the wire.

Unfortunately, we simply can’t afford to do that with our retirement.

Every decision we make (or don’t make) now has a bigger and bigger ripple effect as our retirement gets closer.

I’ve witnessed this level of regret time and time again. People wishing they took action sooner, because in hindsight it was actually quite easy, fast, and painless!

By setting aside just a few minutes to complete these simple “thought exercises,” you’ll be well on your way to crafting a pleasant and enriching retirement reality!

Isn’t that what we’re all working toward anyway?

I bet after you read this guide and checklist I put together, you’ll feel:

  • Relieved and excited about your work-free life
  • Confident and clear about your retirement future
  • Incredibly fortunate that you didn’t wait until it’s too late

3 Pillars

See, there are 3 pillars to a successful retirement plan, but I’ve found that people either overlook these simple steps, or simply put off addressing them until it’s too late.

Think of it like a 3-legged stool.

You could have 2 legs that are stable as an oak tree, but if 1 leg isn’t fastened properly, it could come toppling over at any minute.

Your retirement plan is the same way. All 3 pillars need to be solid, have a stable foundation, and be fastened together properly.

Do you have all 3 of these bases covered?

I’ll help you find out inside this quick read: a guide and checklist I put together that will help you get the retirement clarity you need.

Then, carve out a few minutes to go through the 24 thought exercises (by yourself or with your loved ones) to find out if you’ve overlooked these common “blind spots” in your retirement plan.

If you have any questions, comments, or want to share an “aha” moment you had, please send me a note and I’ll do everything I can to help.

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