Warmest Wishes!

As another eventful year comes to a close, I’d like to offer a heartfelt “thank you” for being part of the Art of Financial Planning Journey.

I am so deeply grateful for your trust and presence in my life and I’m sending you my warmest wishes for an amazing end to 2021 and a great start to 2022.

2021 was another year of uncertainty, but also a year where the indomitable human spirit shined.

There’s a lot we can’t control about the future, but we can control a few things.

As we usher in a new year with great expectations, can we commit to a few things together?

Embracing Our Dreams

It might still look hard to fully commit to dreams when the world is still uncertain. But let’s move forward and recommit to them even if they look a little different.

Our job together is to help you grow and protect your wealth so you can use it to reach your aspirations, retire in comfort, create change in the world, and leave a legacy of love. It’s the desire to see you achieve your dreams that drives my team and me to work tirelessly on your behalf.

Harnessing Our Behaviors

With so much out of our control (the markets, the economy, inflation, and other shocks), it’s so important to focus on ourselves, our hopes, our goals, and our dreams.

Identifying the choices in our control isn’t just a good financial lesson, it’s a great life lesson. Let’s commit to deep breaths, small improvements, patience, and curiosity.

Focusing on Kindness And Patience

In a time of increasing polarization, let’s commit to treating each other with kindness, patience, love, and respect. Here’s something I try to keep in mind when I talk to folks I disagree with: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

Thank you again for being with me on this journey. I am deeply grateful to have you with me.

Warmest Wishes,

Jared Friedman CFP

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