Who is a Financial Advisor?

Did you know that anyone can call themselves a “financial advisor”?

There are no specific criteria to use that title. So literally anyone can call themselves that….

Unfortunately, most people just assume that someone with the title of financial advisor, wealth manager, or financial consultant is going to give real, unbiased advice.

That doesn’t always happen, especially when these ‘advisors’ are employed by the large Wall Street firms that focus on selling their own products. Make sure you properly vet anyone who may give you advice.

As a result, many people receive “conflicted advice,” words that sound like advice but that actually lead you to purchase something that benefits the person selling it more than it benefits you.

By choosing to work with an Independent Registered Investment advisor, you can work with a firm that doesn’t sell its own proprietary products. 

And you can be assured you are working with a fiduciary. A fiduciary is legally required to put your interests first, meaning you’re far more likely to get real advice that serves you, not the advisor.

Want to know more about what you should look for in a financial professional?

Download a short guide, “Is a Brand-Name or an Independent Advisor Best for You?”

Stay tuned for more tips to help you find the right professional and help keep your money safe.

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