A Podcast and a Video

In 2011 Malcom Gladwell wrote a book called Outliers In this book he explains his 10,000-Hour Rule which is that the key to success in any field, is simply a matter of practicing a specific task over and over again. More specifically for at least 20 hours of work a week for 10 years.

This took the world by storm and sent many people down a path of intense focus.

Most recently David Epstein, an investigator reporter at ProPublica did a deep dive into the 10,000 Rule and his results were fascinating to me. I couldn’t do his reporting justice so instead I am turning you on to his recent podcast and older youtube video.

You can listen to David discuss this and the rest of the finding in his new book Range- Why Generalist Triumph in a Specialized World on Patrick O’ Shaughnessy podcast Invest Like the Best.

David Epstein Wide or Deep Invest like the Best

If you want more, watch David and Malcom Gladwell go head to head in this youtube video on this very topic

Both are really worth your time!

–Jared S. Friedman

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