A Complete Guide On Dollar Cost Averaging

The year is quickly coming to a close, and for many, it’s a time not only to take a step back and relax but also to receive work bonuses. Around this time of the year, many organizations give fringe benefits to their staff to mark the festivities.

Now, if you work at such an organization and do get an end-of-the-year bonus, one crucial question would be, “what would you do with that additional income?” Now you could:

Road Blocks to Wealth Accumulation

Building wealth is not easy. It takes hard work and discipline.

But everyone can achieve success, if they can avoid the major roadblocks to wealth accumulation.

Now, there are many roadblocks to discuss but one big one is…. that we don’t cultivate a healthy relationship with money. We develop beliefs, attitudes and habits about money in our youth that hold us back from being able to generate wealth and enjoy the financial freedom we desire as we get older.