Rich Get Richer

Four out of every five dollars of wealth generated in 2017 ended up in the pockets of the richest one percent, while the poorest half of humanity got nothing, a report published by Oxfam found on Monday.  Billionaire Bonaza

Houston, we have a problem.

The report continues

It found that 3.7 billion people who make up the poorest half of the world saw no increase in their wealth in 2017, while 82 percent of the wealth generated last year went to the richest one percent of the global population.

No increase in wealth when all major capital markets had a double digit return!

No increase in wealth when economies were growing.

I can get mad at the Billionaires.  I can rant on how unfair it is.

But I won’t- Because the rich don’t sit back.  The rich get after it!

It’s time for you to change your mindset.

The time is now. No one is going to hand you millions. No one is going to make you rich.  You have to do it yourself.

We are almost one month into 2018–there are PLENTY of outside factors that we can’t change. Trump is still President, like it or not, your boss still needs you do your job, you still have to be a support system for your spouse and a role model for your children.  You need to look around and figure out what you CAN change.

I am tired of hearing people complain that they can’t save any money. It’s time to take some accountability.  Everything is a choice. You chose the house, the car, and everything else.  You should know how much money you make and what you can afford. Are you living the lifestyle that is right for you and your family, within the means that you have? OR are you living the dream lifestyle that you WISH you could have?  If you choose to spend more money than your bank account allots, you can only blame yourself.

Ok–Rant over, so now what?

Well it’s time to rip the proverbial band-aid off.  It’s time to make a dramatic change in lifestyle. That is, if you want to change the course of your financial future for the better…

Your choices are to either cut your spending NOW or make more money. Put a plan in motion to change and analyze how you are spending that hard earned cash.  Trim the fat and be realistic about what is a need and what is a luxury.  Are you driving an expensive car? Is it something you truly can afford or are you looking for a status symbol?

Jeff Bezo’s, founder of Amazon, drove a Honda, YES a Honda, even after he became a billionaire! He clearly has his priorities in order, probably why he’s a billionaire.

 I know so many 50 something’s who have had incredible jobs, lived incredible lifestyles, but haven’t saved enough money for retirement. Not so incredible.   Learn from them and stop the bleeding now! No matter what age, making some serious changes today will only help in your financial future.  Just think about it, retiring at 70 is better than 80, right?

These articles want you to hate the rich and feel bad for the poor.  It’s all about perspective.  Instead I think it should motivate you to change your position in life. Now is not the time to give up or become complacent.  There are more opportunities for ALL people than ever before. Seize the day and take control of your financial future.  Your future self will thank you for it!



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